Lacing Up Sneakers to Outsmart Diabetes

Discover how lacing up old sneakers became my golden ticket to navigating diabetes. Dive into the significant impact of physical activity on diabetes management.

Sydney Little
5 min readAug 21, 2024

Lacing Up Sneakers to Outsmart Diabetes

It’s funny how life sometimes has its own way of handing you the keys to various conundrums out of nowhere. For me, it was a pair of old running shoes I found buried at the back of my closet. Those fraying sneakers turned out to be my golden ticket to navigating the labyrinth of diabetes.

Let’s lace up those sneakers, shall we? Let’s embark on a journey to delve into the impact physical activity has on diabetes. Spoiler alert: it’s more monumental than you’d imagine.

Lacing Up Sneakers to Outsmart Diabetes

The First Step: My Epiphany

I remember the day vividly. My dear doctor sat me down, quite literally, and spoke in a tone that combined the gravity of a Shakespearean tragedy and the matter-of-factness of a weather forecast. “Exercise, my friend,” he proclaimed, “is your magic wand against diabetes.”

Suddenly, the idea of exercise — and not just dodging responsibilities — became monumental. It wasn’t just a pastime; it was a lifeline. And so my love affair with sneakers began, against the backdrop of battling diabetes on a daily basis.

Glucose: The Villain and the Hero

Understanding diabetes is akin to knowing your arch-nemesis and your archangel rolled into one. It all begins with glucose — a fickle friend and a formidable foe.

When we eat, our body turns food into glucose, giving us the energy to do everything from blinking to running marathons, or, you know, running away from marathons. For those of us with diabetes, balancing blood glucose levels is the existential struggle. Enter physical activity.

The Magic of Movement

Let me be clear: exercise can be a superhero swooping in to save the day. When I move, muscles use glucose for energy. Simultaneously, my body’s insulin sensitivity is enhanced, which is crucial for those managing diabetes. My diabetes management doesn’t solely rely on the Herculean efforts of medication and diet; it’s the balance, nurtured by exercise.

Types of Exercise, Because Variety is the Spice

Jogging? Meh. But Yoga? Now we’re talking! The beautiful thing is there’s more than one way to skin — Oh, wait, that metaphor doesn’t work. Let’s just say there’s more than one way to embrace physical activity.

Aerobic Exercises: The Cardio Classic

Heart-pumping activities like jogging, swimming, or even dancing (yes, even awkward shuffling in your living room counts) are phenomenal for managing diabetes. Aerobic exercises work wonders by helping lower blood sugar and improving your cardiovascular health.

Resistance Training: Say Hello to Strength

Lifting weights or even your own body weight can fortify your muscles, which in turn, makes your body more efficient at metabolizing glucose. Resistance exercises add another layer to the management arsenal, providing a robust defense against the ups and downs of diabetes.

Flexibility Exercises: Stretch It Out

Yoga and stretching might not scream “calorie burn,” but they’re vital in reducing stress — a sneaky trigger for unstable blood sugar levels. Also, they can enhance my overall quality of life. Imagine touching your toes without wincing!

Carving Out Time

Now, you’re probably thinking, “Who has the time?” Trust me, I know. But here’s the kicker: you don’t need hours. Even 30 minutes a day can be transformative. The key lies in consistency. Regular physical activity isn’t about becoming an Olympian overnight. It’s about small, steady progress that amounts to significant victory in the long run.

Sneaking in Physical Activity

It’s remarkable what the creative human brain can come up with when faced with the need to integrate physical activity into a crammed schedule:

  • Taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Walking or biking to work if possible.
  • Even a quick dance break between those endless Zoom meetings.
Lacing Up Sneakers to Outsmart Diabetes

The Mental Health Bonus

Managing diabetes isn’t just about the physical — it’s also deeply entwined with my mental state. Regular exercise has been a game-changer for my mood and stress levels. You see, when I work out, my body releases endorphins, those feel-good hormones. So, after a brisk walk or a sweaty session at the gym, I feel like I’ve hit a mental refresh button. It’s the cheapest form of therapy!

Social Benefits

Also, let’s not forget the social aspect. Exercising in groups, whether in a spin class or a neighborhood walking group, can foster social connections. These connections offer emotional support, making the journey a collective rather than a solitary endeavor.

Nutrition and Physical Activity: The Yin and Yang

And let’s not kid ourselves — running on donuts is not advisable. Nutrition plays its part in creating an effective balance. When I fuel my body with the right kinds of nutrients, my workouts are more effective, and my blood sugars remain more stable.

A well-balanced diet composed of whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, and plenty of vegetables is the cornerstone to complement physical exercise.

My Personal Workout Regimen

Curious about my routine? Picture this: a blend of 30 minutes of moderate cardio, strength training twice a week, and yoga for flexibility. It’s not grueling; in fact, it’s something I look forward to. It’s a cocktail that keeps my blood sugar levels in check, enhances my mood, and improves my overall health.

Tweaking as Needed

What’s essential, though, is giving myself the flexibility to tweak these workouts. If I feel a bout of fatigue, I swap out high-intensity activities for moderate ones. My body is my guide.

Conclusion: Here’s to Health

The journey of managing diabetes through physical activity is long and winding, but boy, it’s worth every step. Those fraying old sneakers weren’t just a discovery — they were my ticket to a healthier, more balanced life.

Now, it’s your turn. Dust off those sneakers, find an activity you enjoy, and take that crucial first step towards outsmarting diabetes. And hey, let me know how it goes. Clap this article, leave a comment, and if you like what you read, go ahead and subscribe to my Medium newsletter for more insights and updates. Here’s to health — one step at a time.



Sydney Little

Essential Diabetic Tools and Accessories for Accurate Monitoring. Managing diabetes effectively requires reliable tools to deliver precise results